Home Enthusiast Barista Training - Espresso and Milk Skills

Did you get a home espresso machine for Christmas or your birthday? Do you want to get one for home but don’t know where to start or what to expect? Are you currently pulling shots at home and can’t seem to get them as good as you’d like? Is your steamed milk not so fluffy? Well, say no more! We can help!

This is a hands-on approach to learning the fundamentals of espresso and milk science at our barista school. In our barista training program, students will learn how to properly dose, tamp and pull shots of espresso and understand what they should taste like. We will also learn the basics of blending for espresso, milk texturing and stretching, proper milk temperature for beverages, proper beverage sizes and proportions. *NOTE: This class is NOT our professional barista training class. If you are looking to open a coffee shop or learn barista training to work in the coffee industry, see our information here.

All classes are hands-on and held behind our coffee bar in Fairview Park, Ohio! Included in this class are:

Machines, Grinders and Small Wares You’ll Need

Proper espresso grinding and dosing and how it pertains to your finished beverage

Pulling the Perfect Shot

Steaming, Frothing and pouring milk for Perfection

Equipment Maintenance and Cleaning

*Reservations are required through Eventbrite link below. Please do not call the shop to make reservations.

*We offer this barista training class on a limited schedule as listed on Eventbrite. Follow the link below to check dates or book your class. Dates are added as they become available.

*All classes and workshops have limited capacity. We only take two students per class due to lab time needed per student.

*Classes & class content subject to change without notice.

Book your reservation now!